Take a stand: A Poem

During the last meeting of our Prayer and Fasting week this poem was given to me by God.

Whilst writing it I felt a real urgency in the need for the Church to stand up and be out on the streets sharing the Gospel, and a real sadness that there are those in Church who are ‘sleeping’; content to ‘do’ Church and not be Church. Those who have all but given up on people living in sin, believing that going to Church and praying for ten minutes a day is enough.

It’s a start but it isn’t enough.

That is what this poem says. It is God speaking to us and reminding us that we have the key to brokenness, addiction and despair, that we have Him and He is all we need to do His work to introduce others to Him.

Church, the world NEEDS God. Church, the world NEEDS Jesus. Church, the world NEEDS His Holy Spirit – The Spirit that dwells in you.



Light I gave you and light I give,
I declared that my son Jesus should die so you could live,
Each one of you has accepted this promise of eternal salvation,
Each one of you is now saved from eternal damnation.

How then can you sit there sleeping?
How can you pass by those who are weeping?
How can you be content to pray behind secure doors?
Why aren’t you out there with those society abhors?

That’s where Jesus was, during his time on earth,
He met with the outcasts, the despised, and covered himself with their dirt.
My church is a body of believers, a home for my spirit,
This truth was meant to inspire you to go anywhere, without limit.

Not for you to sit and pray silently without conviction!
But for you to fill areas of dereliction,
For you to proclaim salvation to all,
It is only when you go, shout out boldly that people can hear your call.

If you are willing then I will go before you,
Open up your hearts I implore you,
All power and strength and wisdom is mine to offer,
If you are want to change a story, don’t just moan – speak to the author!

Please don’t box me into a small time of daily prayer,
Speak with me often, I’m always there.
But take care to listen also, this is what makes true conversation,
There is no relationship if one party is forced into silent alienation.

And when you listen and I speak, go
When I ask of you something big or small know
That I ask only what you are able to do,
That in my strength you can do what can only be achieved by few.

Don’t allow the lethargy of the world overtake you,
Let My Holy Spirit come and break you.
To break your heart for what breaks mine,
Steel yourself, to do My work you will need to go to the front-line.

Church the time is near, the Devil is moving,
The time is ripe for a people’s reproving,
People need My truth and you hold it in your hands.
The time has come, My Children, to be brave; to take a stand.

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